I. C lear cobalt inlet
A mber arcs along sands with
L ilting foliole
I n fog’s passing fantasy
F erns unfurl in fast flourish
O chre’s rich opulence
R hythmic resonant ripples
N estled beneath redwoods
I llusions of immortals
A zure anchored ancestries
C ascading cliffs cling
A s amber idols arise
L ifts lark’s lullabies
I n frost’s fickle folklore dance
F or fireflies flickers flame
O racles of old
R edolent rains, reminisce
N arcissus and night
I ntricate in their intrigue
A new among ancients’ ash
II. C urrents, sun-kissed strands
A loof in the autumn kiss
L ingering played lights
I n penumbras, a sly grin
F or furtive, swift, fleeting purrs
O ver bayside air
R olling riddles in the surf
N aiads at noon’s zenith
I mbues painted reveries
A ching with aphonic thirst
Curting beryl lights
Across the August skyline
L ively blazes vault
I ndelible though finite
F ading fast at twilight’s touch
O nyx leak from eyes
R everies in restless sleep
Neither night nor noon
I n silent, astral refuge
A nguish ’neath wine-dark heavens
C oncrete caverns croon
A midst amber afterglow
L abyrinths of light
I n fevered flickering beats
F orever forging fables
O verseen by stars
R est the crows on rigid lines
Nests in niches high
I lluminating idylls
A che of asphalt’s amaranth
C restfallen clouds weep
A bove auburn avenues
L ingering lamp’s glows
I ncandescent illusions
F ading fast in dawn’s duress
O bscured monoliths
R ooftop riddles rendered clear
N ebulous notions
I n aeonian metallic beck
A s the annals of the breeze