• By Ellie Lim (she/her)
  • Art “Twisted Destiny” by Calvin Madsen (he/him)
Oh, hey,

    (What an odd sort of mirror this is,
      One that shows you where you thought you would be).  

       What’s the view like from over here, you ask?
         Much the same as yours, I’d imagine,
          But I’m not quite in a position to be looking down.

           See, yours is a climb.
            Mine is a plunge to the solid ground
             I can hardly recall.

              I think I remember mountains, if it helps.

             Forests of evergreens sprawled across first snowfall’s powdery. 
           I think I remember seeing clouds from below as shapes of endless
        Sunlight and shadow dappled across my face

       Being filled by all the music of a world moving beneath my feet

      It’s all sky, now
    All vapor

You’ll be there soon, too.